Lapate’s TMS + fMRI study published in Nature Communications


Dr. Lapate’s work examining lateral prefrontal (LPFC) function and emotional processing was published in Nature Communications. In this work, we asked whether LPFC causally promotes goal-directed behavior during emotional processing. To answer this question, we combined individualized TMS targeting with fMRI/MVPA obtained during a task that requires cognitive control as a function of affective signals, the Affective Go/NoGo (AGNG) task. We targeted LPFC w/ TMS (a putatively inhibitory protocol, cTBS) based on the individualized location of multivariate action-goal representations during the AGNG task, which was followed by fMRI scanning. We found that individualized cTBS to mid-LPFC (vs. a Control site) reduced action-goal information in mid-LPFC and impaired goal-oriented action (i.e. task performance), particularly during the processing of negative emotional cues. We also found that cTBS to mid-LPFC reduced the functional coupling between mid-LPFC and DMN nodes, including frontopolar cortex, which in turn correlated with the strength of LPFC action-goal signals.

Check out the work here: