Grant on emotion-motion interactions for the study of Parkinson’s awarded


A large multi-site grant examining the neural bases of emotionally-modulated motor function was awarded by the Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) foundation! This three-year multi-institution project led by the University of Pittsburgh (PI: Peter Strick; UCSB CO-I: Scott Grafton, UCSB Consultant: Regina Lapate) will support basic affective neuroscience work by the LEAP Neuro lab centered on emotionally-motivated action. Congrats, team!

Read more here:


The LEAP Neuro lab meets in person!


Following our university reopening and Covid-19 vaccines being more widely available, the core members of the LEAP Neuro Lab (Dr. Lapate, Dr. Jingyi Wang (postdoc), Mengsi Li (2nd year grad student) and Joanne Stasiak (first year grad student) met in person for the very first time! We can’t wait to get started.


Lapate awarded Academic Senate grant


Dr. Lapate was awarded an Academic Senate grant for 2021-2022, titled “Time and emotion integration in the human brain” which will support a new project in the lab on retrospective emotion and temporal memory led by first year graduate student Mengsi Li. Congratulations!


Mengsi presents at SAS


Mengsi Li presented a study design for new work that she is planning to do in the lab titled ‘Time-emotion integration and affective style’ at the annual meeting of the Society for Affective Science (held virtually due to COVID-19). Stay tuned for more!


Lapate named APS Rising Star


Dr. Lapate was named a ‘Rising Star’ by the Association for Psychological Science. This distinction is given to recent PhD recipients who are nominated by their peers and whose innovative work “has already advanced the field and signals great potential for their continued contributions”. Congratulations Dr. Lapate!